Monday, 9 February 2009

Week 26: Good Manager Bad Manager

With the recent shock dismissal of that internationally renowned 'big' fella from the Premiership management of the Blues, it seems that all managers are becoming a little twitchy about their own survival. Indeed, since the outrageous sacking of Tony Adams by Portsmouth last weekend the world hasn't quite looked the same.

Take, for example, this week's Manager of the Week. Poof of the North's Mark Norman has, in a strange, strange twist of OFFL fate, scored a week-topping 24pts. A score that is a whole 6pts greater than the next highest weekly score. Does this mean his entire season of underperforming is going to be ignored in favour of this one-off miracle or is someone like the high-flying Smasher going to be Scolaried out of a job for just not quite making a decent enough challenge in the latter stages of the season? None of it quite makes sense. And twitchy everyone shall remain.

What does make sense is that Week 28 will be the next round of the OFFL Cup. And have we mentioned the prize for this year's winners? It's really rather desirable. Search for 'OFFL Cup Prize' on You Tube.



Results taken from Wk 28

Straw Bucharest v Pompey Puss

Campbellwin v Abeerden

Woolyback Town AFC v RS T-Boy

Nuttingham Florist v Rayner Midriff

Inter Milandrover v Tat Mucker

Ant & Bex v Two Owls

Upmintster United v Dube Stars FC

Radnorshire Tigers v BM Mingmongs

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