With two more weeks of scores to go, this is how the cup fixtures are shaping up.
Weeks 20, 21 and 22
Poof of the North 10 v 21 Two Owls
Mannschester Rovers 28 v 16 Rayner Midriff
Metatarsenal 9 v 8 Tat Mucker
Dube Stars FC 12 v 7 Giving It Some Thought
Upmintster United 25 v 4 Two-Oh-Ten
BM Mingmongs 35 v 38 Decimated Left Peg
Straw Bucharest 33 v 25 Jordan Utd
Windmill United 16 v 30 Abeerden
Olymping Macdrid 36 v 43 RS T-Boy
Woolyback Town AFC 25 v 20 Mal
Charlie's Angels 16 v 38 Inter Milandrover
Pompey Puss 31 v 15 Book My Face
Ant & Bex 39 v 41 Livercoolio FC
Radnorshire Tigers, Campbellwin, Nuttingham Florist all received a bye for this round.
Happy New Year folks.